29. februar 2024

Triin Ojari: The Power of Disruption - Estonian New Architecture

Arkitektenes hus, Josefines gate 34
Oslo arkitektforening

Pop-up utstilling med Estiske selskaper.

Velkommen til en forelesning om nyere Estisk arkitekturhistorie og byutvikling etter Sovjetunionens fall på 90-tallet med pop-up utstilling med Estiske selskaper!

Architecture is considered to be a slow art, but the buildings, both finished and unrealized, perfectly reflect the spirit of the times, political views and the economic climate. Contemporary Estonian architecture and urbanism are also inextricably linked to the changes that have taken place since the turbulent 1990s: the collapse of the Soviet Union, the building of a new state, the leap from a communist economy to neoliberal cowboy capitalism and the disturbing questions posed by the climate crisis. Which buildings have been built in the wake of these changes? Who is designing in Estonia, and who are our examples? Is Estonian architecture part of the Nordic tradition, or is there something inherently specific?

This lecture will give an insight into a rich architectural fabric of intertwining stories and signs that unite Estonia or, on the contrary, distinguish it from Norway and other Northern European countries. 


Triin Ojari © Liisi Anvelt
Triin Ojari © Liisi Anvelt

Triin Ojari is an art historian and critic, and since 2014 director of the Museum of Estonian Architecture. Her research subjects have included the 20th century modern architecture, the housing and urban planning of the Soviet period, contemporary architecture and architectural criticism. Between 2001–2013 she was the editor-in chief of the Estonian architectural review MAJA. She has published widely on the subject of Estonian 20th century architecture, heritage of Modern Movement as well as on the contemporary architecture and urban planning. She is author of the book „21st Century House: New Estonian Residential Architecture” (2007), „Positions. Articles on Architecture 1992–2011” (2012), “Leisure spaces. Holidays and Architecture in 20th Century Estonia” (2020).


Forelesningen kan strømmes via vår YouTube-kanal her.


Arrangementet er organisert i samarbeid mellom OAF, Enterprise Estonia og Norcon HLK.


Estiske selskaper som deltar i pop-up utstillingen: